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Guns are expensive. This is a way to make
a cheap one-shot
gun for self defense.
wonft be able to
get off more than
one shot,
as it takes time
to reload, but itfs
shot no one knows
you have. The materials
you need are as follows:
1. 1.5cm diameter
steel pipe length:20-30cm.
2. PVC pipe so that
the steel pipe fits
into it.
3. Cap for the steel
4. Cap for the PVC
5. Epoxy.
6. Tape
7. A few boxes of
8. Piece of wood.
9. Knife.
10. Drill.
You can get most
of this stuff at a DIY store
near you.
How to make the pipe
1. Take the steel
pipe, attach and epoxy
the cap to one end.
2. Take the plastic
pipe, attach and
the cap to one end.
3. Insert the steel
pipe into the plastic
one, using epoxy
to bind them.
4. Bind both pipes
around with tape (the
plastic pipe and
the tape are a safety measure,
you donft have use
them, unless you value
the use of your hands).
5. Wait for the epoxy
6. Drill a 5mm hole
2.5cm from the capped
end, through the
tape and both pipes.
7. Cut the striking
part off a matchbox and
glue or tape it next
to the hole.
8. The barrel is
basically finished.
can use it just like
this for extra concealment
and skip the steps
9 and 10. 9. Cut
the piece
of wood into the
shape of a handle,
a grove on the top
to fit the barrel.
10. Epoxy the barrel
to the handle. You
also use metal brackets
but this way is securer.
To load your new
pipe gun: Cut a matchbox
or two worth of match
heads, make sure
wooden part of the
match is totally
Crumble the match
heads up some, wrap
in a piece of tissue
paper or some such
paper and stuff it
down the tube with
a rod.
Alternately you can
use gunpowder, if
can get it. Now,
take several nails,
bearings, fishing
weights or something
that and push them
down the barrel on
of the tissue and
match heads. To fire
gun, take a match,
strike against the
pad you glued to
the barrel and insert
into the hole: BANG.
This weapon is rather
limited because it
canft hit anything
a distance of more
than about 3m. Best
pointing it directly
at your attackerfs
eye from a distance
of 10 cm. I donft
any responsibility
if you use this weapon
to injure yourself
or anyone else.